Monday, November 24, 2008

Sex and the ninja? What kind of a stupid name is that?

So for my first post ever, in the history of the universe, I'm just going to tell all you fuckers what kinds of literary treats I plan on putting up here in the future. 

"Well go on then.... what can I expect?"

Basically for the past year or so I've been on a mission to improve my (previously non existant) love life and get laid on a regular basis. Now this entails going out lots and lots and pretty much forcing yourself to chat up everything that moves until you get better at it. As you can imagine this leads to lots of funny situations especially when you tend to drink too much, hang out with 3 guys who would make good characters on any sit com and you yourself happen to be slightly demented at the best of times.

"Get on with it dude! What kind of things am I going to be reading about on here?"

Well over the coming months I'll be posting about the funny situations that me and my pals get into on nights out, my personal battle with vagina, a little pick up type stuff for good measure and probably lots of other random nonsense that takes my fancy also. I reckon for the next post I'll give a little background info on the main characters in my life and describe them best I can....

"Awesome !!"

I know dude! Until then....

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