Thursday, December 11, 2008


Last night myself, Crazy Horse(who is crazy by the way) and Mal were out and about on the town. We were hanging out in this bar around central London. There wasn't many people out and there was pretty much NO chicks out at all. 

There is one cute Asian girl with some dude. There's nothing else about so I head on over to see what I can muster there. I have yet to actually steal a girl from her BF or date but I am going to do it someday, so watch out you fuckers! These two are actually pretty cool and we all hang with them for a bit.

Then this huge fat chick comes over and asks me where Mal is. She says he was looking at her and wants him to go up stairs with her, lol. Now to my surprise this girl was actually really cool! She was from Brazil and I love Brazilian accents, she also wasn't the usual disillusioned bitter miserable fattie like you generally find out in the bars. She was fun and putting herself out there! So myself and crazy horse chatted with her until Mal returned. She dived on Mal immediately. He blew her out pretty quickly and I have to say I felt for her a little. Its like, dude, I know what that feels like... So I vibed with her some more. After 10 more minutes she wants me and Crazy horse to come up and meet her pals... 2 other Brazilians! Why not!

Up we go into the unknown... One of her pals is hot, the other one looks something like fucking blanka from street fighter 2. Heinous!! I start talking with the hot one... careful to include the girl who Mal blew out cos I don't want her to feel bad (I like her) and, well, because I know this will earn me brownie points with the hot one. By the time I said "hello" Crazy Horse, who as he once told me only goes for the prime beef when it comes to women, had cornered Blanka and was trying to suck her face off... Watching Crazy Horse with women is hilarious... He is like a Tiger going for the kill, he has single focus once he locks onto his prey... The dude is so dominant that he just stares into submission. 

Well that made it a lot easier for me to get the hot one... So about 5 to 10 minutes later I start making out with her. At one stage she goes to check on her pal, the super cool fat chick, and I give her a good crack on the ass as she gets up to go... Dude she starts freaking out!! WTF?!? Who doesn't like having their ass spanked? I was shocked... so naturally I did it again as soon as she turned around.... Que more mayhem... I know this happened because I wasn't in a sexual frame with her.  Fuck! I am blaming the language barrier there

I had set a date for Tuesday but I don't think its going to happen now and I'm not particularly interested if she is that uptight. Its a pity I couldn't transfer the fat chicks personality into her body... but thems the breaks I suppose

Seriously! Who doesn't like havning their ass spanked?


Anonymous said...

sounds like your mate mal has standards and you cant blame him for that

Connor said...

Standards is for fagats !