Wednesday, April 8, 2009

In need of love and attention

Your favourite blogger is currently laid up sick.... Watching Lord of the Rings and playing GTA 4. Being sick sucks very hairy balls.

All together now... Everybody say awww.

Please feel free to comment and tell me how sorry you feel for me!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quick update


Had Comedy gig number two on Monday. Fucking Rocked! Just been watching the video of it now and I was pretty fucking good.... Not amazingly good, but pretty good! Lots of room for improvement but its a serious rush when it goes well. Boo ya!

Oh and after the gig a couple of chicks basically dived on me. Hopefully should be meeting one of them soon to fuck her senseless.

In other news.... 

  • Jake is quite possibly queer. He appears to be in love with a friend of his... It is very weird and extremely funny at the same time.
  • The bank of Mal has gone completely bust... While we were SHITFACED a week back some dude stole his bank card or some shit and cleared out 4K from his account... Ouch!
  • Ross is now in love with his GF and is not even trying to hide it! Shocking eh? Good for him though... She is a great girl!

Connor out!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yo Yo Yo

So I didn't bother posting Wednesday.... Primarily because I was too fucking lazy.  Yeah that's right! I was feeling lazy! How do you like those apples?

So the Comedy thing last Tuesday was a  fucking disaster! I swear to fuck tumble weed hit me at one stage... I have cycled through blaming the compare, the fact that it was more a restaurant than comedy club, Jesus (because he is a cunt) and the crowd themselves for not understanding true genius.... What ever it was it certainly wasn't my fault.  Yes exactly, that would be impossible!

Next one is tomorrow so lets see how that goes! 

My date from Wednesday flaked, the she flaked again today. Booooooo to flakes!

My game appears to have gone to complete fuck and I am kinda sick of going out too. Kinda of a slow patch for me right now. However, fret not gentle reader. I intend to fix that in the coming weeks!

I am watching Alien here now and then I am going to bed to dream rock and roll dreams.