Sunday, January 25, 2009

I like memories

Connor: "No recollection"

Ross: "None at all"

Ross: "I have a missed call from somebody called Eoke !?!"

Connor: "Holy Fuck I completely fucked. Still hammered. What the hell happened at all?"

That was a text exchange I had this afternoon with Ross. I woke up this morning fully clothed on top of my bed at 11am. I was having a dream about Jurassic park. Some dinosaur skeletons were chasing me. Obfuscation reigned for about 5 minutes then I remembered I was out last night! 

I remembered that we were in a bar. I remembered I started talking to a guy and girl who were on a date and the girl gave me her number and then the two of them had a big fight and left (normally I wouldn't do that but I have targets to achieve at the moment so I can afford no mercy). 

Then Jake disappeared and meself and Ross hit a club... After that I have nothing. I am very discombobulated ! Four hours of my life gone... I didn't sober up today until 3 o clock. 

Damn you alcohol, why do you tease me so?

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