Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The next week

Hello boys and girls, 

Your favourite blogger Connor is jetting off to Ireland now tomorrow for my cousins wedding, which is taking place at the weekend. Thus I will be taking a rest from getting in trouble and regaling you all with ridiculous stories until next week. I know how this is likely to make you all very upset... but hang in there.... I will be back soon.

Well actually now that I think about it this wedding, being that it is my family, is sure to have a couple of moments of insanity and I fully intend to completely obliterate myself at it so I might have a story to tell come Monday after all. 

In other news my friend Crazy Horse (who is crazy by the way) is going to inscribe a little guest article for the blog. He feels compelled to clear up the Mexico incident which I had previously alluded to in the "getting to know crazy horse" post. Which is kinda funny because when he mentioned what really happened it was quite a bit worse than what I had made out.

Well that's it for now so shake it easy!

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